Mary yoga

We keep our car running well by servicing it regularly – changing the oil every 3,000 miles, rotating the tires, following the manufacturer’s guidelines, etc.  We feel successful and confident arriving at an appointment in a clean, purring vehicle – a vehicle that reflects our respect for it.

Why, then, do we mistreat our bodies? How can we possibility expect ourselves to be confident and centered, and thus effective, when we eat and drink too much, deprive ourselves of sleep, and consider it exercise when we tap a computer keyboard or wield the TV remote control?

Ignore your body’s needs and your mind will suffer.  Stress will build up You will be easily irritated and distracted.  Quality of thought is directly related to our physical health.

In this section of the website you will find links and articles directed towards keeping you healthy and well balanced so you can do your work effectively and enjoy it in the process.

Relevant Articles:


Audio on Personal Wellness: (to listen to the audio file, simply click the play arrow to the left of the audio bar)

    • Stress-busting in your Office through Yoga: Dr. Weber’s Prescription



    • Mary’s Five-minute Dynamic Meditation, inspired by John Felitto

